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With their advanced washing and disinfection technologies EndoWash series Full Automatic Endoscopy sterilizer devices which are being manufactured by FemtoMed are indispensable products for every kind of users who are in need.

In addition to its advanced features, with its cheaper prices EndoWash is also offering cheaper, better quality product utilization for its users.

Since EndoWash series Full Automatic Endoscopy sterilizer devices are produced in Turkey, due to thousands of spare parts available for immediate service intervention, your operations are not interrupted and quality of your services are improved and your losses are being prevented.

Utilization of Every Kind of Endoscope
Disinfectant Independent
Utilization of
Short (5 min) and
Long Term (20 min) Disinfectant
Advanced Electronic Design
Leakage Tester
Washing without scratching with Water in Water Technology
7x24 Technical Service and On Time Part Guarantee
Patented Washing Department

Distribution of EndoWash series devices to all regions of Turkey has started. EndoWash series Full Automatic Endoscopy sterilizer ....

All of the EndoWash series Full Automatic Endoscopy sterilizer devices have digital LCD screens with English And Turkish menus.
Femtomed ® 2024
Femtomed Medical Devices Industry Corporation.
Adress : Ferhatpasa Mh. 15. Sk. Veysel Dayanc Is Merkezi No: 147/2 Atasehir - ISTANBUL / TURKEY
Telephone :+(90) 216 661 2800 Faks : +(90) 216 661 2277 email : info@femtomed.com
 ® Copyright by FemtoMed. All rights reserved.
endoWash Full Automatic Digital-Intelligent Endoscope Washer & Disinfector Machine Record Systems endoWash Endoskopi Yıkama Ve Dezenfeksiyon Kayıt Sistemleri Dijital görünt?aktarım sistemi nedir? Endoskopi ( gastroskopi, kolonoskopi, rektoskopi, sigmoidoskopi, özofagoskopi, duodenoskopi, bronkoskopi, laparasokopi, artroskopi vs ) US, c kollu rontgen, mikroskop gibi tıbbi görüntüleme cihazlarındaki imajlar?bilgisayara aktarıp arşivleyen, print eden, resimler üzerinde değişiklik yapılmasına ve işaretlemelere olanak sağlayan, video kayıt yapabilen, video kayıt kurgulama yapabilen, CD ve DVD hazırlayabilen sistemin tamamına denir. endoWash endoskopi yıkama ve dezenfeksiyon bilgileri mevcut database ile entegre edilerek endoskopi yıkama bilgileri de arşivlenmektedir